So, let's say you've helped out Friends of Raccoon, and you've attended a number of the programs at RCSP, but you're hungry to do more - maybe you want to do more than promote the Park and maintain their trails, or maybe you want to get involved with more than just RCSP. You've done some research into other local non-profits and none of them fit your bill. What can you do?
I realize the title gave away the answer to that: start your own organization!
But wait, whoa; how do you do that? Can just anyone start a non-profit organization? Isn't it really complicated?
Fortunately, it's not - though it will require a bit of commitment, especially if you're the Director. But it can be done, and there's lots of resources to help you do it.
I was provided with a template, and I've tailored it to be specific to Pennsylvania, and now I'm providing it to you! (Odds are - if you live elsewhere - a quick Google search will provide you with the information pertinent to your state.) The timeline I used is a basic one, more to indicate what steps should be taken simultaneously and which ones you might want to give your organization's members a little more time to prepare. You can also assign to yourself or whoever you want the different tasks; just be willing and prepared to share the load.
(For links to the various required documents, and where I got almost all of my information, go here.)
And the template here!